In a recent show of united family spirit, Hollywood’s Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner set aside personal differences to cheer up their little ones at a soccer game. This high-profile ex-couple demonstrated to the world that even after a split, it’s possible to put kids first and be a part of their lives. Affleck and Garner, despite their separate paths, came out together, placing their shared responsibility of parenthood above their past marital disagreements.

Throughout the match, their interaction was cordial; the focus squarely on supporting their children. This gesture sends an empowering message to other separated parents about prioritizing their children’s well-being over personal disputes.

Instead of undergoing messy public disputes, they exhibited a public display of amicable co-parenting.

In marking their presence at the game, Affleck and Garner showcased that celebrity stature doesn’t exempt anyone from the uphill task of co-parenting post a breakup.

The pair’s dedication to their kids is clear and they’ve proved they can work as a team even after divorce. Reinforcing the idea that in parenting, celebrities are no different than the rest of us, they’re navigating the trail of shared-parenting just like so many others.