Ben Affleck, the renowned Hollywood celebrity known for his exceptional acting skills and directing prowess, has faced his fair share of struggles on his journey to success. Despite his remarkable career, his battle with addiction has been ongoing and challenging. While Ben has openly discussed his struggles with his fans, he has often been misunderstood. In fact, some fans even placed blame on his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, for his addiction.

In an interview, Ben shed light on his journey and was taken out of context by many.

It was believed that Garner was responsible for his alcoholism, but Ben clarified that this was far from the truth. He emphasized that Garner had been incredibly supportive and still remains a significant presence in his life, despite both of them moving on.


Since then, Ben has been careful with his words, ensuring they cannot be misconstrued. He appreciated his wife’s unwavering support and credited her for his improved state. According to him, Jennifer Lopez, his current partner, constantly looks out for him and provides him with guidance and care.

In conclusion, Ben Affleck’s road to success has had its fair share of challenges, including his battle with addiction. However, with the support of Jennifer Garner and now Jennifer Lopez, he has found himself in a better place mentally and emotionally.