Caitlyn Clark is making waves and apparently pissing off some people, which I don’t get. She’s out here breaking records and bringing attention to women’s basketball, but some folks are mad. Let’s unpack this.

I’ve seen LeBron and Charles Barkley talk about Caitlyn, and here’s my advice to her and anyone in her position. When you come in with high expectations and notoriety, stay focused. Put your blinders on, work hard, keep your mouth shut, and learn from the veterans. Caitlyn is bringing so much attention to women’s basketball; she’s literally making history. For the first time, they flew private because of her influence. That’s huge and should be celebrated.

LeBron is right; some women are being petty about Caitlyn’s success. She’s elevating the WNBA, getting private charters, and bringing visibility and money to the league. Instead of being jealous, they should be thankful. Caitlyn Clark is a major reason why the WNBA is on the map right now.

There’s an article in the LA Times where Jemele Hill compares Caitlyn to Steph Curry, noting her relatability and, controversially, suggesting her being a straight white woman contributes to her hype. Yes, Caitlyn is an incredible player, breaking records and drawing attention, but Hill’s point about race and se.xuality seems to overshadow her actual achievements.

It’s frustrating because people try to minimize Caitlyn’s efforts by attributing her success to her race or appearance. Caitlyn has earned her spot through hard work and talent. The WNBA should celebrate her accomplishments, not tear her down.

Becky Hammon, a professional coach, also chimed in, saying this narrative about everyone hating on Caitlyn Clark needs to stop. She’s young, talented, and has brought a lot of positive attention to the WNBA.

Despite all this noise, the attention Caitlyn is bringing is good for the league. More views, more coverage, and ultimately, more success. Some people are just bitter because they feel like the attention should have come sooner, or they’re uncomfortable with how it’s happening. But the fact remains, Caitlyn Clark is a game-changer.