Stephen A. Smith Says He’s Upset Paul Pierce is Bringing Strippers on His Live Stream

Stephen A. Smith seems disappointed in Paul Pierce over his recent interview with Kevin Garnett where he revealed that he once rented a girlfriend for a day. According to Smith, Paul is better than this and he’s concerned about his utterances via VladTV;

Paul Pierce recently sat down with Kevin Garnett for a livestream of the NBA Finals, and Pierce’s actions quickly went viral online. Pierce appeared to be drunk at one point, and he also introduced Kevin to a woman he said he rented as his “girlfriend for the day.”

Following the viral moment, Stephen A. Smith addressed his former ESPN colleague on his YouTube show. He stated, “Things started to go off the rails quickly because fans noticed that Paul Pierce was apparently drunk, or at least his behavior seemed to be that of an individual who was drunk, slurring his speech, and all of this other stuff.”

Stephen A. then addressed Pierce, stating, “There’s certain stuff that you just can’t do, not when you’re working in corporate America, damn sure. Not when you’re working for Disney [which owns ESPN]. Don’t act like you didn’t know what the moral clause is. You looked like you had a lot of strippers in your house. You have some weed going on everywhere in, alcohol and all of this other stuff.” 

Pierce recently spoke about buying a girlfriend for a day.

Kevin Garnett had Paul Pierce on his KG Certified show on Showtime Basketball’s YouTube channel during Game 3 of the NBA Finals on Wednesday (June 7). While watching the game, Pierce introduced Garnett to a woman that he motioned to sit next to him.

After introducing her as “Camille,” Pierce told Garnett, “This is my girlfriend for the day. They got a website that you can hire girlfriends for the day. So I got a girlfriend.” Garnett responded by telling Pierce to “stop” several times, and then he stated, “We don’t give parental guidance on livestreams.”

Flip to the next page to watch Stephen A. Smith express concern over Paul Pierce’s behavior…